Shallow Thoughts

Akkana's Musings on Open Source Computing and Technology, Science, and Nature.

Fri, 09 Aug 2024

Alligators ... in Colorado?

[A sign on a platform in a field of weeds: COLORADO GATORS Discount Tickets sold HERE! with a picture of an alligator's head, and inside its open mouth is a smaller sign, Open Daily! ] A recent trip through Alamosa reminded me that I'd never written about my trip to see the gators. High time!

As you drive up Colorado highway 17 north of Alamosa, you pass a series of old, faded, hand-painted signs saying things like "Alligators? In Colorado?" and "COLORADO GATORS Discount Tickets sold HERE!" I'd seen them for years, and chuckled a little but didn't ever give them much thought. The desert is full of signs for roadside attractions that were abandoned fifty years ago.

But five or six years ago, someone told me that Colorado Gators actually was quite an interesting place, too bad it had recently closed. Darnit — why couldn't someone have told me that before it closed? Oh, well.

Then last year, we were heading up 17 on our way to visit the relatives, and I couldn't help noticing that there were really quite a lot of signs for an attraction that was supposedly gone. And some of the signs looked fairly new. We had some time to spare, so we took the detour and found Colorado Gators still very much open for business.

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[ 11:04 Aug 09, 2024    More travel | permalink to this entry | ]

Thu, 01 Aug 2024

Fetching OpenStreetMap Details with OSMPythonTools

I was talking to a friend about LANL's proposed new powerline. A lot of people are opposing it because the line would run through the Caja del Rio, an open-space piñon-juniper area adjacent to Santa Fe which is owned by the US Forest Service. The proposed powerline would run from the Caja across the Rio Grande to the Lab. It would carry not just power but also a broadband fiber line, something Los Alamos town, if not the Lab, needs badly. On the other hand, those opposed worry about road-building and habitat destruction in the Caja.

[A bad map showing a proposed route but with no details labeled] I'm always puzzled reading accounts of the debate. There already is a powerline running through the Caja and across the Rio via Powerline Point. The discussions never say (a) whether the proposed line would take a different route, and if so, (b) Why? why can't they just tack on some more lines to the towers along the existing route?

For instance, in the slides from one of the public meetings, the map on slide 9 not only doesn't show the existing powerline, but also uses a basemap that has no borders and NO ROADS. Why would you use a map that doesn't show roads unless you're deliberately trying to confuse people?

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[ 12:14 Aug 01, 2024    More mapping | permalink to this entry | ]

Thu, 27 Jun 2024

A Bullsnake Imitating a Rattler

Riding my bike to the market, I came across a bullsnake stretched across the road, sunning itself ... in danger of becoming snake pizza.

I nudged it to try to get it to move off the road, which annoyed it into doing its pretend-rattlesnake defensive posture.

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[ 12:00 Jun 27, 2024    More nature | permalink to this entry | ]

Wed, 15 May 2024

Antifreeze and Critters

[Lizard inspecting a rock for traces of that yummy antifreeze] My Miata blew a radiator hose and dumped out all its coolant, so I needed to do a radiator flush and fill.

Turns out that's kind of a nasty job on an NB (second-gen) Miata. The radiator drain plug is accessed through a hole in the tray under the engine. Once you get it loose enough that coolant has started to drip out, if the screwdriver slips, it's impossible to get it back on without getting coolant all over the screwdriver, flashlight, your arm, your face and hair, etc. And once you do manage to loosen it enough, it pops out, sending coolant gushing everywhere onto the engine undertray, from which it comes out the back and sides and it's impossible to catch it all in a drain pan.

So that left me with quite a mess to clean up afterward. I started by pouring the used coolant into a container with a secure cap: I've always heard warnings about how kids and pets will try to drink the poisonous stuff because it tastes and smells sweet. We don't have kids or pets, but there are plenty of wild critters and we want them to stay healthy too.

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[ 15:23 May 15, 2024    More nature | permalink to this entry | ]

Fri, 10 May 2024

New Hiking Route: Ancho Rapids to Lower Water Canyon

[Panorama of the Rio Grande from the River Trail just north of Ancho Rapids] Can you follow Lower Water Canyon (in the DOE open space lands south of White Rock, NM) all the way to the Rio Grande?

In the decade we've lived here, we've heard that question and asked it ourselves, and have heard a few anecdotal reports. You can follow it down most of the way, but there's a pour-off near the end that you won't want to do without a rope. Or there was a pour-off fifteen years ago that wasn't that big a deal, but it's changed since then and isn't passable now. Or ... well, anyway, the story kept changing depending on who we asked, and nobody seemed to have tried it in many years.

Now I've done it. It's a beautiful hike, and right now there's an abundance of wildflowers in bloom along the canyon.

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[ 12:42 May 10, 2024    More hikes | permalink to this entry | ]

Tue, 07 May 2024

Bighorn on the Trail

On a mountain bike ride on the White Rock Canyon Rim trail yesterday, we stopped at one of the overlooks to admire the view, and turned to see three bighorn sheep crossing the trail behind us.

[Two bighorn sheep crossing a trail]

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[ 13:04 May 07, 2024    More nature | permalink to this entry | ]

Sat, 04 May 2024

Creating an Image with Wrapped Text using the Python Imaging Library

I stumbled onto the page for this year's Asimov's Magazine Readers' Award Finalists. They offer all the stories right there -- but only as PDF. I prefer reading fiction on my ebook reader (a Kobo Clara with 6" screen), away from the computer. I spend too much time sitting at the computer as it is. But trying to read a PDF on a 6" screen is just painful.

The open-source ebook program Calibre has a command-line program called ebook-convert that can convert some PDF to epub. It did an okay job in this case — except that the PDFs had the wrong author name (they all have the same author, so I'm guessing it's the name of the person who prepared the PDFs for Asimov's), and the wrong title information (or maybe just no title), and ebook-convert compounded that error by generating cover images for each work that had the wrong title and author.

I went through the files and fixed each one's title and author metadata using my Python script. But what about the cover images? I wasn't eager to spend the time GIMPing up a cover image by hand for each of the stories.

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[ 13:52 May 04, 2024    More programming | permalink to this entry | ]

Mon, 22 Apr 2024

Tactical is the New Black

[a so-called 'Tactical Pen'] My new binocular came! And something curious came with them: a "tactical pen".

It seems to be quite a nice gel pen, with an aluminum body and a locking retractor. But the "tactical" part is less clear.

Me What makes it tactical?
Dave Maybe that it's black?
Me Tactical is the new black?

And of course, my mind couldn't help wandering off to explore what might make the difference between a tactical pen and a strategic pen. Maybe something about how long the ink reserve lasts? Or how long it takes to click the clicky retractor thing?

Oh, well, it was free when buying the binocular from B&H, and it really is a pretty nice pen.

On the binocular:

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[ 16:06 Apr 22, 2024    More humor | permalink to this entry | ]