# # Akkana's fvwm config # # No virtual workspaces adjacent to the current one (use desks instead): DeskTopSize 1x1 # Don't edge scroll at all; use ctl-alt-arrow keys for that. EdgeScroll 0 0 # Color for focused window Style * HilightFore White, HilightBack MediumBlue # and for inactive windows: Style * Color Black/LightSkyBlue2 # Prevent xchat from focusing windows when someone says my nick # (thanks to nev): DestroyFunc UrgencyFunc # Turn on titlebar buttons: DestroyDecor MyDecor AddToDecor MyDecor + TitleStyle Height 16 + Style "*" BorderWidth 0, HandleWidth 4 + ButtonStyle 8 Allnormal Vector 5 25x25@1 25x75@1 75x75@0 75x25@0 25x25@1 + ButtonStyle 6 Allnormal Vector 17 20x20@1 30x20@1 50x40@1 70x20@1 80x20@1 80x30@0 60x50@0 80x70@1 80x80@0 70x80@0 50x60@0 30x80@0 20x80@0 20x70@0 40x50@1 20x30@0 20x20@1 + ButtonStyle All -- UseTitleStyle Style "*" UseDecor MyDecor Style * NoButton 2 Style * NoButton 4 Style * DecorateTransient #Style * MinOverlapPlacement # Or TileCascadePlacement, CenterPlacement, MinOverlapPlacement, # SmartPlacement, CleverPlacement, MinOverlapPercentPlacement, # StubbornPlacement, RandomPlacement Style * CleverPlacement # Buttons won't show up unless something is bound to them: Mouse 1 6 A Close Mouse 1 8 A Maximize Mouse 1 1 A Menu Window-Ops Nop # New windows should always grab focus: Style * FPGrabFocus Style * SloppyFocus #Style NoIcon Style * Font -*-helvetica-bold-o-normal-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-* MenuStyle * Font -*-helvetica-bold-o-normal-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-* #MenuStyle * "xft:Helvetica:Italic:Bold:size=14" # Special windows: Style "xchat" Sticky # Initialization Functions #AddToFunc StartFunction #+ I exec /home/akkana/bin/linux/rxvt -geometry 80x39-0+0 & #+ I exec /home/akkana/bin/linux/rxvt -geometry 80x69+0+0 & ##+ I exec (LANG=en_US.UTF-8 xterm -geometry 80x69+0+0) & #+ I exec xsetbg -fullscreen -border black /home/akkana/Backgrounds/droplet.jpg DestroyFunc MoveAndGotoDesk AddToFunc MoveAndGotoDesk + I MoveToDesk $0 $1 $2 + I GotoDesk $0 $1 $2 # Keys PointerKey Left A CM GotoDesk -1 0 2 PointerKey Right A CM GotoDesk 1 0 2 PointerKey Left A CMS MoveAndGotoDesk -1 0 2 PointerKey Right A CMS MoveAndGotoDesk 1 0 2 Key Tab A M Next [CurrentDesk !iconic] Focus Key Tab A M Prev [CurrentDesk !iconic] Focus PointerKey F1 WTS M RaiseLower # Laptop functions (though potentially useful anywhere): PointerKey F5 A M Exec exec $HOME/bin/brighter PointerKey F5 A SM Exec exec $HOME/bin/dimmer PointerKey F4 A M Exec exec $HOME/bin/louder PointerKey F4 A SM Exec exec $HOME/bin/quieter # Crikey scripts. # Note that fvwm doesn't really need crikey because it can use FakeKeypress. # But I already have the scripts set up for other windowmanagers, # and it keeps my password out of this file, so why not use them? PointerKey F10 A M Exec exec $HOME/bin/crikey/saybhpw & PointerKey F11 A M Exec exec $HOME/bin/crikey/sayshortpw & PointerKey F12 A M Exec exec $HOME/bin/crikey/saypwd & # Make a screenshot on alt-printscreen: PointerKey Print A M Exec exec import -frame $HOME/screenshot.jpg & # Mouse events Mouse 1 I A Iconify # Put raise/move on the Windows key (Super=Mod4) so alt (M) is free for gimp: #Mouse 1 WTSIF M FuncFvwmRaiseLowerX Move Mouse 1 WTSIF 4 FuncFvwmRaiseLowerX Move Mouse 3 R N Menu Utilities Nop Mouse 3 R M WindowList Mouse 3 T M Menu Window-Ops Nop # These don't work: #Stroke N456 3 A A GotoDesk 1 0 2 #Stroke N654 3 A A GotoDesk -1 0 2 # Menus AddToMenu Utilities "Utilities" Title + "Rxvt" Exec exec /home/akkana/bin/linux/rxvt -geometry 80x38-0+0 & + "Small Rxvt" Exec exec /home/akkana/bin/linux/rxvt -geometry 80x9+0-0 & + "emacs" Exec exec emacs & + "" Nop + "xchat" Exec exec xchat & + "gaim" Exec exec gaim & + "" Nop + "Kitfox" Exec exec /usr/local/kitfox/firefox & + "Opera" Exec exec /usr/bin/opera & + "Dillo" Exec exec dillo & + "" Nop + "Gimp-2.3" Exec exec $HOME/bin/gimp-2.3 --stack-trace-mode=never & + "Gimp-2.2" Exec exec gimp-2.2 & + "Gimp-2.0" Exec exec /usr/local/gimp-src-2.0/bin/gimp-2.0 & + "Gimp-1.2" Exec exec gimp-1.2 & + "" Nop + "Volume" Exec exec $HOME/bin/vol & + "Screenshot" Exec exec import -frame $HOME/screenshot.jpg & + "XMag" Exec exec xmag & + "" Nop + "Open Office" Exec exec ooffice & + "Abiword" Exec exec abiword & + "" Nop + "XEphem" Exec exec xephem & + "KStars" Exec exec kstars & + "Google Earth" Exec exec googleearth & + "" Nop + "Restart Fvwm" Restart + "Log Out" Quit + "Shut Down" Exec sudo shutdown -h now & AddToMenu Window-Ops "Window Ops" Title + "Raise" Raise + "Lower" Lower + "(De)Iconify" Iconify + "(Un)Stick" Stick + "(Un)Maximize" Maximize + "" Nop + "Delete" Delete