" allow backspacing between lines set bs=2 syntax on set background=light colorscheme akk " Fix for a security bug, see http://www.guninski.com/vim1.html set modelines=0 " Line and paragraph wrapping map l rJ map p rgq} " I too often parenthesize things then change my mind map , 2s, " Split one run-on sentence into two: map c 2s. ~ " De-elainify email, from people who don't mark quotes or wrap " lines. map e :.,$!deelainify " Google the current line "map g 0"xy$:!lynx -dump -accept_all_cookies 'www.google.com/search?q=^Rx' \| grep ^Rx \| grep -v http \| head -n 20 \| grep ^Rx map g 0"xy$:!lynx -dump -accept_all_cookies 'www.google.com/search?q=x' " ctrl-space quits insert mode and does bad things. " Stop that! " One way of testing: :^K^space: " Other possible ways of saying it: , , , " p0g on #vim finally found the answer: imap is the important one. imap map vmap cmap nmap " From the vim list: tag-ify the previous word inoremap , diwi<pa>pa>kA " Stuff for mail " autocmd FileType mail source ~/.vimmailrc " Case fold searches by default, unless they contain some capital letters. set ignorecase set smartcase " textwidth slightly narrower than the default set textwidth=68 " Mutt overrides textwidth for mail, unless I override it again: autocmd FileType mail set textwidth=68 " Turn off the 'thanks for flying vim' messages set notitle " http://software.newsforge.com/software/06/06/08/1431244.shtml?tid=130&tid=138 "set hls function ToggleHLSearch() if &hls set nohls else set hls endif endfunction nmap :call ToggleHLSearch() " Also from nomis: set pastetoggle=