Getting rid of extra whitespace from Eclipse (Shallow Thoughts)

Akkana's Musings on Open Source Computing and Technology, Science, and Nature.

Tue, 25 Jan 2011

Getting rid of extra whitespace from Eclipse

Eclipse has been driving me batty with all the extra spaces it adds everywhere -- blank lines all have indents on them, and lots of code lines have extra spaces randomly tacked on to the end. I sure wouldn't want to share files like that with coworkers or post them as open source.

I found lots of suggestions on the web for eliminating extra whitespace, and several places to configure this within Eclipse, but most of them don't do anything. Here's the one that actually worked:

Jave->Editor->Save Actions
Enable Perform the selected actions on save.
Enable Additional actions.
Click Configure.
In the Code Organizing tab., enable Remove trailing whitespace for All lines.
Review all the other options there, since it will all happen automatically whenever you save -- make sure there isn't anything there you don't want.
Dismiss the Configure window.
Review the other options under Save Actions, since these will also happen automatically now.
Don't forget to click Apply in the Save Actions preference page.

Whew! There are other places to set this, in various Code style and Cleanup options, but all all the others require taking some action periodically, like Source->Clean up...

By the way, while you're changing whitespace preferences, you may also want the Insert spaces for tabs preference under General->Editors->Text Editors.

An easy way to check whether you've succeeded in exorcising the spaces -- eclipse doesn't show them all, even when you tell it to -- is to :set hlsearch in vim, then search for a space. (Here are some other ways to show spaces in vim.) In emacs, you can M-x set-variable show-trailing-whitespace to true, but that doesn't show spaces on blank lines; for that you might want whitespace.el or similar packages.

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[ 15:42 Jan 25, 2011    More programming | permalink to this entry | ]

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